Actress Yami Gautam, who made her Bollywood debut in 2012 with the groundbreaking film Vicky Donor, shared an intriguing story about how her parents reacted to the movie’s unconventional subject. The film, which tackled the theme of sperm donation with humor and sensitivity, became a massive hit and catapulted Yami to fame.
Parents’ Unexpected Reaction
When Yami told her parents about the film’s bold storyline, she was unsure of how they would respond. Much to her surprise, her father, Mukesh Gautam, and her mother were not only supportive but enthusiastic about it. Yami revealed, “When my parents read the script, they said, ‘This is so cool.’ Their positivity and open-mindedness made me feel confident about my decision to take on such a unique role.”
A Proud Father-Daughter Bond
Yami’s father, a respected filmmaker in the Punjabi film industry, has been a strong pillar of support throughout her career. Known for his films like Ek Noor and Akhiyaan Udeekdian, he recently won a National Award, a moment that filled Yami with pride. She took to Instagram to celebrate his achievement, calling him her inspiration and expressing gratitude for his unwavering support.
Family’s Love for A Thursday
Yami also shared a heartfelt moment after the release of her critically acclaimed film A Thursday. The intense thriller showcased her as a complex and layered character. Her family, deeply moved by her performance, showered her with praise. Yami said, “My father was so proud. Hearing that from him means the world to me.”
Why This Matters
Yami’s journey highlights the importance of family support in breaking stereotypes and taking on challenging roles. Her parents’ progressive mindset and belief in her talent have been instrumental in shaping her successful career.
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